Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wheels For A Zodiac Boat Possibility Of Planets In Favorable Sign Positions Minimizing The Effects Of A Hard Aspect?

Possibility of Planets in favorable sign positions minimizing the effects of a hard aspect? - wheels for a zodiac boat

The example that comes to mind is LEO Sun (Sun is Lord of the Lion) and Moon in Taurus (the Moon is exalted in Taurus), 2 fixed panels forming a stubborn side of the square on the Zodiac wheel drive.

Somehow, I attended a large number of people with this combination.

Then empty the positive rejection?

First-hand experience are welcome

Thank you in advance for your answers.


Red Rings in Morning said...

I assume that the government should consider, in this case.
Venus Taurus Regency Alleviates the "All About Me" by Leo ... could also help to stabilize the temptation to spend like crazy Leo ... Taurus inhibits adequate financial security and seeks to limit the spending habits of the lion.

With them, two are in their favorite places, it is easy to use for energy, "happy" around the sink, a new day, a Scrooge. So are other places are needed to overcome the negative momentum of the two anchors.

** How was your trip? **

Denise J said...

almost always the positive aspects outweigh the negative:)

My competitions at my table, I have learned to compensate by always two sides of a situation. My feelings will be affected by differences in both, but as a square with my own feelings is much more about it. But I try anyway, to pause a balance, and what to think about a situation, and accept only that it provide a way. I can not change anything and I will therefore not only to all negative

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